Wednesday 27 March 2019

Estimation Independent Testing Company

What is Software Testing Estimation?

Test estimation is actually concerned with the approximation of time required to carry out the whole process. There are two common questions when we discuss software testing with client, how long process will take and what will the project cost? These two questions are quite easy to answer when we consider small project while in case of large scale projects, things completely change.

What are factors that are to be estimated?

There are 4 main factors that are to be considered when we go for estimation:
·         Resources: carefully consider various things that are required to carry the process of software testing. There can be numerous things like resources, time, human effort and cost. You will have to check availability of various factors that are to be estimated.

·         Time: this is hard to predict when we consider project propagation. Deadline system is quite common in the world of software development and testing.

·         Skill required to execute things: there should be trained and experienced staff to execute things for software testing. There are numerous tools through which software testing can be done. Testers need to write script and that script is run as per condition.

·         Cost: definitely cost is an important factor when we consider entire software testing campaign.
To understand things further better, you can contact our software testers and they will assist you.

Testing Plan Independent Testing Company

What is a Test Plan in Software Testing?

Test plan is actually a detailed document that takes care of every aspect of testing process from strategy to testing deliverables. This is plan where all steps been outlined and some integral components are test strategy, test objectives, resource management, test schedule, test estimation and finally test deliverables. Test plan is actually blueprint through which entire process is controlled and monitored.

It may be considered that making test plan can be waste of time. Actually this is not the case, when we make test plan then things flow in proper flow systematically. Testing is actually very disciplined process an if we skip some steps then eventual result can completely change. No matter, how much time been consumed, there should be proper test plan in advance; otherwise eventual result can’t be good enough.

Importance of Software Test Plan:
·         This document will evaluate things in a proper way. Prediction of effort will be done through this test plan.
·         Because of having a formal document, people who are associated with entire process of testing get informed about associated things.
·         This documented flow makes entire process disciplined.
·         Entire testing team understands process because of this plan.

Test Plan Independent Testing Company

How to Write a Test Plan?

In the entire process of test management, making of test plan is probably the most important part where all testers should focus. We will explain over here some important aspects that are concerned with the process of testing. As per standard of IEEE 829, there are seven steps that are required for making test plan.

1.      Analysis of product: Prior to testing any plan there should be enough information collected for that product or service in advance.
2.      Test strategy designing: this is critical step. Here objectives of testing are defined along with required effort and costs.

3.      Test objective should be predefined. Target and goal are important and team should sit and analyze things carefully to come up with the right set of targets.
4.      Test criteria: this is actually set of rule on which entire testing is being carried. Suspension and exit criteria are two main types.

5.      Resource planning: in resource list, there are various components like human efforts, tool etc.
6.      Plan test environment: this is the way through which coordination of software and hardware been made.
7.      Estimation: with help of testing mangers, correct estimation been done for software testing.
To know more about software testing services, you can contact our expert and they will guide you.

Deliverable from Independent Software Testing Company

What are Test Deliverables?

Test deliverables are various components that are related with the process of software testing. Deliverables can be documents, tools and various other components that have role in the process. In this blog, we will unveil some important aspects that are concerned with the process. Software testing has three phases when we consider only deliverables. Check our phases as listed below:

·         Before testing: this is the most crucial part because over here testing been planned. There are numerous aspects that can be planned for upcoming steps in the process of software testing. As a tester you would be aware of test plan document that is prepared in this phase. Test cases or the conditions on which testing to be done are prepared over here. Various test related specifications are done in this stage.

·         Now the turn comes for the components that are to be addressed during testing. In this part, there are 3 prominent things namely test scripts, test data, traceability matrix, error logs and execution. Script writing is done for automation testing in this phase.

·         Now time has come when we have to discuss after test deliverables. Test results-reports, defect report, test procedures explanations are done here. Eventually it is all about perfect test results. All bugs are being detected over here that are addressed by developer.

We have discussed some important aspects regarding testing and its deliverables over here. To know more, you can contact our expert and they will assist you.

Independent Software Testing Company With Right Environment Set Up

What is Test Environment in Software Testing?

Testing environment is actually combination of right set of hardware and software to execute things. It supports thing for the execution of complete test so that things can be evaluated. Test bed or environment is supposed to be configured as per requirement of system testing. Test bed is actually combination of test environment and data through which it to be operated.

There are many flaws concerned with the improper testing environment. If anything goes wrong with the environment setting then test results will be never right. Key areas that are to be set up for the environment:
·         Complete application and system configuration
·         Data through which testing to be done.
·         Server through which testing to be done
·         Front end environment that are to be set up
·         Operating systems through which testing to be done
·         Browsers through which application to be tested
·         Hardware with proper configuration
·         Installation and user manual guides
Test environment is quite crucial when we consider things to flow in right direction for software testing. For more information about software testing, you can contact our expert and they will guide you further. There are numerous other things associated with testing environment.

How to Hire Independent Software Testing Company

Various Aspects of Software Test Environment Set Up

Software testing is actually quite complicated and it should be dealt properly regarding various aspects that are to be tested and some that to be left. Experts at 4 levels are supposed to be involved in environment set up:
·         Administration set up
·         Software developer
·         Software testers
·         Others professionals who are concerned with testing
Server set up is quite crucial and every application cannot be tested on local machine.
Network set up to be done as per test requirements. It includes various aspects like:
·         Internet set up  
·         LAN wifi set up
·         Private network set up
Test PC set up: in web testing, browser setting is quite crucial. Consider you are testing a windows phone then you need following set up:
·         Visual studio installation
·         Windows phone emulator
·         Connection of phone with right tool
Creation of Test Data for Environment
Set up of software testing environment is quite complicated and often go on flip side. Not only test data but production data is also quite crucial. This helps tester to find out numerous issues as live production server. While copying production data, copyright aspects should be considered.
If you want to know more about environment set up for software testing then contact our expert and they will be available for free consultation.          

Independent Software Testing Company

What are Different Challenges in Setting Environment for Software Testing?

In the process of software testing, environment setting is quite crucial. If anything goes wrong in the setting phase then eventual results wouldn’t be good. We have some important points that will make your campaign perfect:
·         Proper usage of resources: first step is collection of resources and then there is proper use of same. This is the main reason why numerous software testing projects fail. Resource collection and its proper usage are quite important.
·         Remote resource allocation: this would be also a case where testing team would be away from the resources through which testing to be done. Because of being slightly costly, sometime resources are hired on temporary basis.
·         Elaborate set up time: sometimes testing team wastes plenty of time in elaboration of testing and this is a problem that prevails quite often.
·         Same resource for development and testing team: this is often a big issue for small scale companies. 
·         Complex test configuration: when there is software that has plenty of complexity in functionality then this becomes a problem. Environment set up is very crucial.
Environment setting is never an easy job even for testers who have plenty of experience in this field. Check here for more information about software testing services.